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Madecipha cuts off his signature dreadlocks after growing for 20 years - January 2023

"Not Even the King" Song Breakdown - December 2021

"Deadly Silence" Song Breakdown - October 2021

"The Inspiration of Magic" Song Breakdown - October 2021

"Caring for a Cobra" Song Breakdown - September 2021

"Evening of the Undead" Song Breakdown - September 2021

"Azlin" Song Breakdown - September 2021

"Hot Town" Song Breakdown - September 2021

"Spider Bites" Song Breakdown - August 2021

"Legends" Song Breakdown - August 2021

"Question Mark" Song Breakdown - August 2021

"Cancer of my Soul" Song Breakdown - August 2021

Madecipha Interview with Mike Green - July 2021

Quarantine Interview - April 2020

Year End Interview - December 2019

17 Questions with Madecipha - July 2019

Inside the Spider Bite Records HQ

Madecipha gets his first copies of "Phasmophobia"

Madecipha's new mud turtle Dollar

Madecipha's 31st Birthday 08/08/13

Madecipha and the sea turtle on his 31st bday

Grandma Jennie "Bodied" album skit behind the scenes

Madecipha 2016 Year End Review

Spiderbite Records Interview with Madecipha September 2016

Freestyling with Madecipha's Grandma

With Scientist Pete Warney and Alligator Snapping Turtle

Feeding a Goliath Bird Eater Tarantula a Mouse

Madecipha Recording "Monster" with ILL - Behind the Scenes

Drunken Freestyles and Battles

Madecipha Discusses Battle Rap

Madecipha May 2014 Interview With High Life