Ryan Bond (born August 8th, 1982) better known by his stage name Madecipha (mad-e-sigh-fa), or Max Omega, is an American rapper, a member of the hip-hop groups Modifi Sci, Righteousness Gone , Unlimited Future Objectives and the founder of Spider Bite Records.
Madecipha is known for his intelligent, gritty lyrics. He often includes references to the paranormal in his songs, going as far as to collect EVPs from noted paranormal activity sites to sample in his music. He took classes with John Zaffis from the tv show "Haunted Collector" and released a book on all of his paranormal photos and adventures. He performs and collaborates primarily within the New Haven, Connecticut area, where he has established a record label, Spider Bite Records; to organize associated artists under one label.
Ryan and his younger brother Eric were born seventeen months apart. They were raised in West Haven, CT by their mother, after their father had left them to go back to his home state of Ohio. Though they maintained contact, Ryan was unable to forgive his father for leaving them, and visits became sparse and eventually ceased as time passed. Later on when Ryan was 9, his uncle Tony committed suicide on the lawn in front of Ryan's house. This was a turning point in his life, and was troubled for years following. In his high school years, he often found himself in fights with his peers, ending up being put in a disciplinary school and barely passing. As his problems continued to escalate he was placed in several psychiatric hospitals and residential facilities.
Around the age of 15, Ryan began listening to the Insane Clown Posse, following them and associated groups over the next two years he became obsessed with the horrorcore rap genre. When he was 17 he began writing rhymes under the alias of Synista Ugly, though Ryan wouldn't begin to take serious interest and begin recording tracks until he was 20.
In early 2004, following a battle rap competition at a nightclub in Milford,CT Ryan coined his current stage alias Madecipha. It has several meanings, such as mad e(ach) cipher, his cipher is made (or circle is complete), intended for its metaphors and to make the listener consider its meaning. He began working on solo songs, purchasing beats from local rapper Nada-Lez and began collaborating with more local talent, forming the group Modifi Sci with Luminol (Adam Fair) and Benny Bludshot (Ben Ferrie), though Ferrie didn't take the project as serious and departed shortly after recording a 3 track demo. Modifi Sci's first performance was at Branstock in Branford, CT in the fall of 2005. For many years they played a large number of shows, producing a large amount of material. However, financial burdens prevented the duo from progressing to recording an album. Eventually they got a studio of their own, but it burnt down in 2007 destroying all of their equipment. As the duo's problems mounted, they began feuding frequently, hitting a breaking point when Ryan released his first solo album titled "Word is Bond" in October 2009. The album had several E.V.P samples from paranormal investigations on the album. It was released before the release of the Modifi Sci album. This upset Fair, though they continued collaborating and eventually released an album, Eyes Wide Open, in March 2011. However, Ryan was displeased with the album, feeling it was rushed. Soon after, the group split, and Ryan began pursuing his solo career and new collaborations. With 2012's release of Armageddon Ready, Ryan established an independent label, Spider Bite Records, to handle the printing and distribution of his media, as well as similar artists. All subsequent releases, with the exception of noted collaborations on other artists albums, have been under Spider Bite Records.
This album was the debut solo album album (Even though the songs on the Modifi Sci album were older this album was recorded first, which caused problems between Madecipha and Luminol.) The CD was composed between 2004 and 2005, Madecipha then taking a break to focus on Modifi Sci with Luminol. However, when Modifi Sci’s album didn’t pan out how he had hoped he went back to complete Word is Bond. Luminol was angry that Madecipha’s solo album debuted first, this and issues over the album caused the group to break up.This album had e.v.p ghost samples collected from investigations that Ryan was apart of and that fans sent in to use.This album has a feature from Detroit horrorcore artist King Gordy on the track "Welcome to Hell". The verse was originally intended for the Modifi Sci record but Gordy made a very derogatory line about Jewish people and it offended Luminol who is Jewish. Gordy refused to change it and this forced Ryan to use it on his solo project after he sensored that line. Ryan was a big fan of King Gordy and this was his first of many bad experiences working with rappers whom he was a big fan of.
Sophomore album that is suicidal themed. Madecipha’s most dark and depressing album, released when he was in a particularly dark mindset at the age of 27. It prominently features deep psychological themes drawn from his experiences at the time. This album has the first of three features from Jus Allah of Jedi Mind Tricks and Reef the Lost Cause (from Army of the Pharaohs.) At this point Madecipha began working more seriously with Live Evil and Anthropophagus (known as the Frog Brothers) and they would stay on for the next few albums working as a team. Released on Ryan's mother's 50th birthday.
Madecipha’s most hardcore album to date, very angry with no personal or emotional tracks. Very destructive, brash, in-your-face lyrics. Though Modifi Sci had disbanded at this point, Madecipha used a beat from 2004 made by Luminol. This would be their last collaboration. Anthropophagus was featured on a number of the tracks, and after “Spider Bites” saw popularity it saw them collaborating more until they decided to form the group Righteousness Gone. This album would bear the Spider Bite Records logo for the first time, named after their popular track. After that they would begin work on their next collaborative album, Judas Christ. Originally released on Longrange distribution, Ryan has recently obtained the full rights to this album and has since re released it on SBR.
An album about moving forward and letting things be. A lot of the songs were produced by Live and Anthro based on samples Ryan chose. In “The Obsession” Ryan talks about a situation from 2002 where a girl betrayed him for his friend. It drove him crazy for years and because of this he pursued rap heavily to spite them because they thought he didn’t have any talent. Lunartic” is a Type-O Negative sample performed by a symphony orchestra. “Eyes” is #8 on the album and the sample comes from a NES game from 1985 called Eight Eyes that Ryan’s uncle gave him as a kid, which is why he named it as such. “CT 101” demonstrates his knowledge of legends and folklore in CT in 100 bars. “I’m Changing” was inspired from a girl in Ohio that Ryan really liked and never met. She sent him a song which he ended up sampling for this song, though they grew apart over time. “Pact with the Devil” is taken from a movie of the same name starring Malcolm MacDonald story of a model selling his soul to become successful, which Ryan interpreted from a hip hop standpoint.It was released on 2/8, which is the day Ryan's uncle committed suicide in 1992.
On each album Ryan likes to make something different so it doesn't get redundant for he releases a lot of music. He took a lot of time putting this one together. It still has production by Live Evil and Anthropophagus because some of the songs were written or started before the fall out and Ryan decided to keep them. He says going forward you will not hear him on their beats anymore. Migs Produktion and old homie Danny Damnage did a lot of production work on this album as well as C-Lance (Army of the Pharoahs, Jedi Mind Tricks) and a few others. The album includes guest features by Vast Aire of Cannibal Ox, Sean Strange and Esoteric of AOTP, Czarface and Demigods.
This album has a different style of production. Beats on this project were in folders and saved up for several years and may have been previously passed up on. The Vibe of them matched what Madecipha was looking for and brought some of them out of the shepherd's field and into the palace by creating this artistic and dark project. Normally on his full length projects Madecipha has several guest appearances but he grew tired of waiting on collabs to be sent in and continued to write and record until the project was finished with a sole feature from Colorado horrorcore group Body Bag Syndakite. This project has some very personal songs such as My Enemy is Me underlying Madecipha being his own worst enemy and his mental illness, The Invisible man displays his frustration for lack of appreciation of his talents and efforts but done in a humble,somber way nullifying his once notorious bitter ego. Like Heroin is a song basically saying how he stays in horrible relationships with toxic women to fuel his uncontrollable sex addiction and Unapproachable lets it be known that Madecipha still doesn't take any shit and you better not come at him with any disrespect. This album has production from Live Evil,Anthro,Danny Damnage,Migs, Evo and others.Many who he no longer communicates with but had the beats paid for well in advance so used them to create this savage display of pain and misery.
7th full length solo LP from Madecipha. He worked entirely with Evo on the productions on this one making it the first LP of his to have just one producer throughout the whole album. There is a lot of collaborations on this record. His last only had one. We hear verses from Cage, Mastamind, Pacewon, Project Born, Myzery, and Lex the Hex Master. We also hear from BstMastR, Fury, Eidolon, Matrix, Jules Baxter and a sex song with Ryan B Hyeeze and Nada-Lez. This album has a unique production style and we see more of Ryan bring out his religious knowledge on verses.
Once again produced solely by Evo. On this record Ryan opted not to get big named notable collabs as he did on the previous record but put a bunch of his longtime homies who he has known and been working with for two decades or more. Riot and Potent appear together and on separate songs. Both now on the SBR roster Ryan and Sean (Riot) have been homies since 1995 when they were kids living on the same block in West Haven,CT. Myron (Potent) is Sean's older brother and was always making beats when Ryan and Sean would hang out. There is every kind of song on this album including a dj scratch hook song and one with a diva singing. This is the most calm record Ryan has made with lots of Bible knowledge and less hardcore and horrorcore songs.
Ryan took all the music from the video game Zombies ate my Neighbors and made beats from them, naming tracks after the levels in the game. It was an adventurous themed album that was very different and original. He played that game extensively as a child with his step brother Josh. They had it for both Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo. The idea came to him while after (his girlfriend at the time Laura) made him a zombie rhymebook and he happened to be listening to the soundtrack to the game on Youtube.
This album was produced entirely by Migs Produktion. A talented producer from Canada who Ryan met through fellow rap collegue 5:am. Ryan and Migs began working together frequently around this point due to a fall out with producers Anthropophagus and Live Evil. It is an 8 track ep and Migs' style was much different than former producers so it gave Ryan an opportunity to do things a little different and switch his style up. The album was given much praise by fans and Migs had become one of Ryan's new main producers.
Ryan has been a fan of preacher Joel Osteen for a while and on this 8 track ep produced entirely by Danny Damnage he samples Joel on every song and really shows his conflicted spiritual side. This is a different style for Ryan and you can see his progression towards making more hip hop and less horrorcore. He has songs about his family, about his hospitalizations as a juvenile and an apology to his ex-girlfriend Laura Rose who he is on bad terms with. The project was released on 6/29, Laura's Birthday.
Produced entirely by Chuck "Intrikit" Colello. An 8 track ep . Ryan met Chuck only a few times but linked up and started working together on social media. He features on the title track. There is a track called Night of the Demons made from the soundtrack score of Ryan's favorite horror movie. Bartimaeus the beggar displays one of Ryan's favorite bible stories and Baby Blue demonstrates his love for his new girlfriend who has inspired him and kept him focused over the duration of time they have been together. It makes many references only they would know thus beginning the baby blue era.
Ryan stupidly fell for a 21 year old gothic girl named Ashley. They had a several month fling where Ryan says he felt as he was being poisoned the whole time. He felt strongly for this girl and was upset when the two parted ways. He hadn't written any rhymes for 9 months and was on the verge of quitting rap when he wrote a few songs about the situation which turned into an entire morbid heartbreak e.p, something he has never done before. He says even though it was a painful experience he is happy that it happened for he is now once again in love with hip hop and ready to make new projects. This record was originally intended to be a UFO record but Freeze flaked and he used the beats to make this record, which he felt like was ordained by God. Produced entirely by Evo.
Nirvana themed e.p released on the 30th anniversary of Cobain's death. Cobain was 27 when he comitted suicide. This is Madecipha's 27th project. Nirvana was his first favorite band before ICP. Cobain had 2 uncles that killed themselves. On the cover Ryan is being held as a baby in 1983 by his Uncle Tony who comitted suicide in 1992, when Nirvana was peaking. The album has lots of Kurt Cobian samples and Nirvana samples, and is overall a very morbid record, as expected. I hate myself and want to die was Kurt Cobain's original title for their In Utero lp, dubbing himself a "Pissy schizophrenic who always wants to kill himself". Ryan felt that and ran with it. Ryan doesn't use profanity on this record.
The first installment in a collection of rare demos, b-sides, collaborations and remixes. One of the songs listed, “Burn all the Bodies” was Madecipha’s first collaboration with Donnie Menace and Mr. Freeze. This track was featured on the album “Red Snow” and saw a lot of exposure for him. “Made Me Insane” was the first song that Ryan ever recorded, which was revised and changed over the years seeing three three iterations before he mastered the album version. This song was meant to be on “To Whom It May Concern” but didn’t end up making it onto the album. “I Love Weed” was was a complete departure from Madecipha’s normal style. An ex-girlfriend of his contributed to the hook and this track was going to be on “To Whom It May Concern” but Ryan ended up breaking up with her and he took it off the album out of spite.
The second installment is the b-side series. This includes a track called New Godz from 2005 featuring a local musician known as Johnny Rockstar who Ryan knew back in the day. Ryan also sent Migs several acapellas of his previous albums and he remixed them exclusively for this album. Ryan gave Migs the nickname "The Remix king". This album features a lot of collaboration verse Ryan did for other people and songs that were dropped from albums such as Armageddon Ready and Completely Disrespectful.
Third installment in this series. Mostly collaborations and B sides. It has several tracks that didn't make it onto the Arapnophobia album. There are several songs featuring long time homie Freeze so it was released on his birthday. Not many remixes on this album for most of them went to the Infectious Tenebrosity record but it definitely has some solid unreleased material dating back to around 2012.
The 4th installment in this series. The most notable track is the 2013 online exclusive "100 bars for my Freedom" where Ryan spits gruesome bars over a looped Fugee-La beat, which is his all time favorite. There are quite a few good collabs on this record including "Dudleytown" FT Rypa the Transparent exorcist and "Mutilation" FT Xplizt.
All editions of these releases have had a serial killer on the cover. This sports a Pogo the Clown John Wayne Gacy cover with clown theme paying homage to both Insane Clown Posse and the fact that there are several tracks about the girl Ashley who had a clown obsession. It was released on her birthday. There are also a few songs both previously released but scrapped due to samples and unreleased songs about Anastasia, one of Ryan's more notable ex-girlfriends that he mentions on record from time to time. This volume has scrapped songs with Myzery, collabs with Esham and Eidolon and a few UFO songs that were set to be on the Rogue Planet Invasion album before the duo had a fallout and the project became the gothic heartbreak album that is his most relatable project.
The first Madecipha mixtape. Just 16 bar verses over 18 classic hip hop beats such as Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Dr.Dre, Nas, ICP and more. This project was written in 2018 and sat on the shelf until there was time to record it. It came out a few years later and was super dope. It was pressed with limited hard copies and released online as a free download.
This album is entirely produced by Migs Produktion from Canada. Ryan came to him with the idea of taking some of his more popular songs and having them remixed and turned into a fresh new song. Migs accepted the challenge and began taking acapellas that Ryan supplied him with and pumping out songs. Ryan was really happy with how it came out. There is a previously unreleased song featuring Detroit horrorcore icon Esham the unholy and Eidolon. The song was for Eidolons record but Ryan didnt like the original beat anyways so this version came to life. There is lots of mash ups and some random colloboration versions that were blended together to make new songs. It was a great side project.
Took seven years to record the album due to finances, a studio fire and differences between the duo. A lot of the beats were produced by Madecipha’s first producer Nada-lez When the album was finally released, Madecipha was unhappy with it because he felt it was rushed. During that time span the duo played hundreds of shows through the tri-state era. In the era everything went smooth between Madecipha and Luminol. (Originally there were three members ((Benny Bloodshot)) but he left after recording a demo and did not end up on Eyes Wide Open.) A lot of the songs are based on Luminol’s knowledge of the Jewish faith, and the duo engaged in Torah studies at his house on Friday. . Some songs like “All the Wrong” were recorded up to a dozen times before the studio version was complete.
Formed by Madecipha in 2007 as a super group with several members of their rap circle.In 2011 it became an actual group consisting of Madecipha and Anthropophagus. Anthro and his brother Live Evil handled the production with mpc style sampled loops. They had numerous guest appearances and made a cult following for themselves. The duo released a pair of albums, Judas Christ in 2013 and Church in 2015. The duo split at the release of church and have not talked since. The project was shelved until recently when Madecipha talked to one of his Producers, Migs. Migs expressed interest in revamping RG with a compose style of production with Madecipha Rhyming with fellow hip hop affiliate Eidolon. After a few business meetings Migs began to send the duo beats and they began working on an all new RG project called Trinity of Shadows.
Debut album between the duo Madecipha and Anthropophagus. Very hardcore sacrilegious lyrics and 90’s style beats. It had a grimier, dirtier sound at the time than Modifi Sci. At the time that Ryan and Luminol were going downhill, Ryan was ready to put out his second album. During those times Live Evil was making a majority of his beats. His brother Anthropophagus ended up working with Ryan at Toad’s Place, and ended up making beats for Ryan as well. The idea for Righteousness Gone came in 2006, the name had floated around for some time but Ryan was waiting for the right people to collaborate with. Ryan was the driving force in this group, steering their direction and lyrical style, with Anthropophagus mainly making beats. Judas Christ is a reference to the clash between heaven and hell and people proclaiming to be good Christians but in reality being judgmental and curt, living a lie. Released on Easter Sunday.
Second release by Righteousness Gone. Features collaborations with Ohio, Underground Legend, Copywrite, Pacewon from Outsidaz, C Rayz Walz and Jus Allah of Jedi Mind Tricks. Church was the followup to Judas Christ, keeping in line with the religious themes. Anthro and Live Evil at this point had better equipment that Ryan had gotten, which helped fast track the production and value. This album would solidify the group’s style. Anthro’s work was more natural in this album, after the success of the first album he became more personally involved and vibed closely with Ryan in the beatmaking process.Anthro was still extremely difficult to work with and the group split up before the album actually dropped. Ryan released it anyways but has lost contact with the Frog Brothers, whom he began working with in 2006.
Reformed by Madecipha and Eidolon with Migs (Canada) handling all of the beats and production. The duo released a much anticipated 8 track ep with an entirely different sound than anything Madecipha has ever done. A full length is being discussed.
Released almost ten years to the day of the now cult classic Church album, Madecipha joined forces with Eidolon again and Evo on production to make this future classic. Using AI to sample many classic grunge and rock songs, this album was both a step up in production quality and lyrically for both Madecipha and Eidolon. Madecipha said that the duo brought the best out of each other and the ideas/song titles/topics were a 50/50 mix even split. He said writing this album had less edits and corrections and it came to him very smooth and fluent and he felt he leveled up on this record and got another stripe on his black belt. Eidolon did an amazing job as well and every Madecipha has linked up with Evo he has been able to change his sound and go in different directions without getting redundant and he once again did his thing.
Ryan and Freeze met in 2003. They have worked together many times over the years. They have had several fall outs but always found ways to reconcile. Ryan is a very hard working dude and says that Freeze works just as hard as he does,so it was only right for them to come together on what started on a side project. Freeze had the UFO concept and they began recording tracks with homie Jon Midi at his home studio. During the time Ryan and Freeze weren't speaking Freeze took a talented female emcee named Xplizt under his wing. She would come to all of the studio sessions and would do hooks here and there, gave input and had some verses ready. At about halfway through the album the duo asked her to just join the group full time and she agreed, having verses on the rest of the album. This is why she is only heard on some songs. The album has boom bap concept tracks and also futuristic spacey sounding beats that Ryan normally steers clear of.It only has two features being Diabolic and old homie Donnie Menace. The group became a fan favorite and what was meant to be a side project has now become Everyone in the groups main focus.
Collaboration with 5:AM. Fast paced high energy, very controversial subject matter. Ryan met 5:AM doing shows in 2005. Ryan was aware of him before through Luminol but never really talked. 5:AM was a security guard at an asylum, which he would let Ryan explore. Eventually they talked about a collaboration album, “I was like, we should have a theme to it. What should we rap about? And he [5:AM] said, "Pussy and money.” It’s raw, in your face, “I can’t believe I heard that” rap that shows great lyrical talent from both. It features collaborations with Canibus, Apathy, Diabolic, Jus Allah, and beats by C-Lance. Ryan says they had a blast recording the album, that 5:am is his most professional and driven partner to date and wanted the finished product the most. 5 is also a very funny dude and being in the studio with him for an entire project was damn near hilarious every time.
A five year project of driving around to historical cemeteries and collecting epitaphs. The first book of its kind. It was a project that Ryan started in march 2010 at a very old historical cemetary with his girlfriend at the time Ansatasia Leigh. He started writing down inscriptions from gravestones and would hit up two or three cemetaries a week spending about three hours in each.They were taking pictures and documenting it for a number of years. Ryan continued to do this after their relationship ended, eventually coming up with enough material for a book that he felt was worth releasing.
All Ryan's ghost hunting experiences from 2004 to 2010 documented in a first-hand account with paranormal photos and stories. phasmophobia brief autobiography at the start about how Ryan got into paranormal stuff. documents in detail investigations and paranormal events themselves between 2004 - 2010 in various locations in CT with various friends and girlfriends. He supplied a first-hand account of the details which makes the book unique because other books are a history lesson that aren’t told by the investigator doing field work.Ryan also supplies paranormal photographs as a supplementary to the texts contained.
Ryan kept journal entries every time he went ghost hunting starting 9/27/10 and ending 9/27/20. This book has every entry typed out in classic journal style. It differs from his Phasmophobhia book because there are no actual stories or photographs in this book.
King Gordy, Jus Allah (Jedi Mind Tricks), Reef the Lost Cauze (AOTP), Esham, Blacastan (Demigods), RyPa the Transparent Exorcist, Apathy (Demigods,AOTP), Canibus, Diabolic, Esoteric (Czarface,AOTP,Demigods), Vast Aire (Cannibal Ox), Sean Strange, Bizarre (D-12), Fury, Bizzy Bone (Bone Thugs N Harmony), Body Bag Syndikate, Copywrite, C Rayz Walz, Pacewon (Outsidaz), C-Lance (Producer), DJ Kwestion (Jedi Mind Tricks), Mastamind (Natas), Cage (Leak Bros, Smut Peddlers, Night Hawks), Lex the Hex Master, Myzery (Psychopathic Records), and Project Born (Psychopathic Records)